Random Factoid #185

29 01 2010

Tonight, I sat down to watch “Rocket Science,” the movie which led Jason Reitman to write the part of Natalie Keener in “Up in the Air” specifically for Anna Kendrick, on my AT&T U-Verse DVR.  After a minute, it stopped.  Turns out that at 3:50 A.M. a few days ago, we ran out of space on the DVR.  This is especially frustrating because “Rocket Science” is nearly impossible to find, and I managed to find the one time that it would be on Cinemax for weeks.

I’ve talked about the tight space before, but I can’t believe there is no way to check on AT&T how much time is left before something like this happens.  This is ridiculous.  I am very upset that I now have to wait several more weeks to watch “Rocket Science,” but what if it was something more important that my trite trifles?  What if AT&T only recorded one minute of something truly important?  It just gets you thinking.



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