Shameless Advertisement #23 – February 2011

1 02 2011

It’s February – which means that it’s the last month where we have to live in 2010!  With the Oscars getting underway in 26 short days (eek), the theater near you is beginning to chunk the films for “Black Swan” in favor of “The Roommate.”  Nothing quite like the quality cycle of moviewatching, is there?

But what February release earns the shameless plug as voted on by my readers?  There was a horse race between “Sanctum” and “Cedar Rapids” with one vote each, and I’ll break the tie by ruling in favor of the Ed Helms comedy (which doesn’t open until MARCH where I live – grrrrr Fox Searchlight).  Here’s what I wrote about the movie in my February preview post:

“On the indie side of things, ‘Cedar Rapids’ sure looks promising.  A fish-out-of-water comedy involving Ed Helms’ small-town boy getting into trouble in the booming metropolis of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the movie seems like a perfect foil for Sandler’s comedy.  With John C. Reilly, Sigourney Weaver, and Rob Corddry on board, I’m really looking forward to this.”

So that’s that.  Enjoy “Cedar Rapids” when it comes to a theater near you!

As for other things you can expect on “Marshall and the Movies” in this incredibly abbreviated month, here’s a quick rundown.

The Oscars. Well, duh.  Live blog?  For sure!  More “Know Your Nominees?!”  You bet – every three days!  Editorial pieces about the race itself?  If all goes well, then yes!  I hope to provide fun and enlightenment on this exciting season for all my readers!

F.I.L.M. features Oscar nominees. The Friday column “F.I.L.M. (First-Class, Independent Little-Known Movie) of the Week” will continue through February with past underrated or under-seen gems from the Oscar class of 2010.  See these stars before they could affix “Oscar nominee” before their names (or maybe after for certain overachievers).

Rom-Com to Oscar Gold, Part 2! It’s actually coming … nearly three months later.  I promise.

Reviews, reviews, reviews. Nothing changes.

I’m looking forward to a great February with you all!



One response

14 02 2011

Honestly, February and to a lesser extent January are the two months out of the year where I don’t really go out of my way to hit the theater and check out the latest. Maybe the Oscar nominees, sure, but usually if it’s being released in the first two months of the new year I’m content to skip it and wait for DVD, with notable exceptions here and there. That said I do kinda want to see Cedar Rapids out of loyalty to Ed Helms, who deserves a bona fide hit to call his own and probably won’t get one, at least for a while, because the movie gods are cruel and douchey. And it sounds kind of fun anyhow.

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